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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Fourth of July!

How can it be July already???

So, today is Independence Day. Nona is coming over and we're grilling food...and that's about it. I could be going to Grandma's like we do every year and hang out with my cousins and go swimming and then eat food. But whatever; I don't mind a small celebration this year. I just hope Dad does get sparklers at the store. At least they're still legal.

So...not much to say, really. King's Fest is in TWO DAYS and I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!! I LOVE THIRD DAY, NEWSBOYS AND CASTING CROWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!! Anyway, for breakfast, I had one of those sausage, egg and cheese in between two tiny pancakes thingies by Aunt Jemima. Oh, and a glass of milk (skim). I'm currently reading a book in the Dear America series: West to a Land of Plenty. Boy, isn't my life thrilling and exciting??

Well, just wanted to update for the Fourth of July. Hope you have a splendiferous holiday and I' Whatever, that's dumb. Okay, then.

--Amanda <---@

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